The Immortalization

The Immortalization of Thought

15 December 2023

Today I was talking to my colleague as we are ending our year working in 2023. We were talking about gifts and one of my colleague said that he is thinking of giving a fancy pen as a gift to his mentor. One of the pen candidates price was $2k and now my mind is just intrigued by the concept of between value and money. To some certain extent, if the concept of value is binded or deducted by the ‘monetary value’ of money then if the pen is bought for $2000 the price was objectively $2000. Then the other concept of value is the one that is onlys subjectively percieved. For example, a DIY craft that took time and effort to make it. The value of it can be measured by the receiver belief on how much time and effort took to make it. As to craft the gift will require devotion from the mind. From a thought to actually materializing the gift.

The immortalization of thought is the concept of actually devoting a line of thought that rose from kindness and good experience coming from the person and wanting to take action to gift something in return as a form of appreciation. The way we convey such message is most often by language. We want to make the other person understand how much they mean to us and as in many other things it is to be done through method of communication. That’s the whole point of language anyway, to make other people understand what we have in mind.

The immortalization of thought is implying that there is an instance in our life that we think of something in such a frame which also implies that the mind is everchanging as it inevitably will experience new things, No thought if stored only in the mind is ever immortal. The only way to immortalize idea is to get it outside from the mind to a medium. The medium could be represented as anything. Since the ‘Gift’ that could be represented as an object, is it really conveying your ‘true feelings/thoughts’ to the person?

I’m not saying there is right or wrong, people can do whatever the fuck they want. I’m just saying that what you’re feeling right now, ‘the want’ to gift this particular person a gift if its coming from good experiences and you want to know that they are something of value to you. And how much you struggle of thinking a good baseline price value of a gift. Why not might as well give something of value that can’t be easily deducted based on price? Your true honest feelings that is delivered ever so precisely. Something that is truly unique out of you. Your handwritings. Your unique line of thoughts that is irreplaceable.

I mean i’m actually so fucking sentimental for writing this but I think immortalization of thought through a letter is such a beautiful way to convey your feeling that express the other person that they are something of value to you and it brings you happiness that they also feel appreciated by you. It’s just so based that the value of it goes beyond price or money yet it could be so fucking valuable to the person that they would keep it forever. It’s fucking amazing.

The title of this article and the line ‘Immortalization of thought’ has been ringing inside my head for quite a while and I wanted to write an article titled The Impermanence maybe I will in the future, I’m just so busy recently it should practically say: The whole point of experiencing and remembering, first it will not be as great without friends and meaningful relationships that you may intentionally or unintentionally carved. Philosophical ideas that formed principles within onself transcribed from words that survives through centuries despite the everchanging mind is the testimony why ‘Immortalization of thoughts’ is important. I was inspired to write a piece with such narrative after realizing that I wrote such banger articles in 2022 but I just never re-read them until late 2023. The Inability to be oneself is such a banger piece and how much it was quoted several times on different articles on 2022 that says ‘If I have any regret in life the most definite thing is that I wish I could’ve written more’ that thought was practically immortalized on The Heaven. It’s a 100% guarantee that had I not write those articles I wouldn’t know how I was feeling on that period in 2022. Every year will just pass by as if it was nothing and people will always say “Life comes at you fast” and I debate “Yeah that’s just because you have so little things worth remembering.”

My boss used to say “Do you really expect your brain to remember all of these that I just told you?” and proceed to juggle my memory to see if I could remember all the client business process that he just told me. He is quite impressed with my memory as how most of my close friends are. But the brain is still feeble when it comes to year-long memories and My Boss maybe impressed because the memory is still fresh but it still serves no guarantee that I will remember it by next week. Beautiful line of thoughts that contain high energy in which I reflect on how it influences me, how it makes me feel nice, how I’m happy, these happiness can be shared to other people and especially to the one that makes you happy. My boss has been a huge part of my career journey and it practically at least doesn’t cost me $2k to tell him that he is of something sigficance helping carved my career path with great clarity while it took was only once a month catchup meeting.

You will spend your life meeting people. You will spend your life meeting valuable people and letting go of them as maybe there are certain conditions that will make you part your last goodbyes due to geographic differences. Why don’t at least immortalize your thought in a form of a honest writing to them as much as it’ll make you happy and it’ll make them happy.