Living is For Vibing

Nothing Less, Nothing More.

25 February 2024


On January 3rd 2024, I wrote the Article, Vibe and Suicide, it explains what 'vibe' means and why we come to 'vibe'.

Vibe appears itself. It shows itself outwardly. From the happy facial expressions that you make that take in forms of smile or laughter, for a lack of better words, joyful, or at least, seemingly joyful. It's like an aura perceived by others, and it is distilled to be either "good vibe" or "bad vibe". We don't need to go to lengths for a rhetorical example to imagine if you just happen to lose your parents from a car accident that you just now got the news of in school and as the news were brought and the realization collapse within yourself, the aura of frustration, anger, and denial will appear outwardly. Of course it will be normal to say "How can I not be sad?" as a reaction to the unfortunate circumstances. The same principle when everything is going great you would say "How can I not be happy?" as your good vibes are vibrating among the presence of your being.

It's a great article that explains 'what does it mean to carry a vibe' and what does it imply to one's psychological state and finally what it means to unable to the phenomena of 'numbing of emotions', as the brain fails to register just one more bad news as it has grown insensitive to its stress hormones and neurotransmitters that signals danger or stress.

In a metaphorical sense, it crushes the reader to understand that life is much like 'Vibe or Die'. It's a pretty far fetched statement, but it's pretty much it. Without the ability to be happy or to vibe, what good is our cognition and rationality?

There is a slippery slope in explaining 'what does it mean to vibe', but to go through it one more time after Vibe and Suicide, vibing is most of the time outside your control. Just like you react with distaste after receiving an unpleasant news, say your loved ones just die. You don't react to your inner vibe. You feel happy or sad uncontrollably at times.

Though, from past experiences and understanding multiple various contexts, we come to understand what makes us happy. Whether it's enjoying the view of the sunset, watering a plant, or talking to your loved ones. We don't need to fetch why certain things make us happy, it just does. As a matter of fact, the underline is not why it makes us happy, but to be grateful we are capable to be happy, and thus we are capable to vibe. Knowing that there could be one time in our life we are unable to.

Our sense of perception of the world, is highly supported/sustained by very biological machineries, and like all biological machineries, it doesn't stay fit forever. One day I would become like my grandma who is unable to carry conversation for longer than 15 minutes and reset to the same conversation at the start of the talk. I will not be as handsome as I am now and I will miss my physical fitness that I used to have, I will be unable to remember as I will be unable to see the world the way I used to see it perfectly (catharacs).

Life is too short, and we are damned to forget. For if we are unable to forget, we will remember our past in too much greater detail than we would wish to. Our brain deletes information of our experiences that it deems 'unimportant', like that one lecture of fluid dynamics that I had one point in my life. It unfortunately, only stores information with high emotional energy, like my top 10 cringe compilations or that one time when I nervously ask my crush out on a staircase. Or that one time when my mom yeld at me that she wishes that I was never been born.

We don't choose what memory to have in store, the brain just saves it, not out of our own volition, but only it's what it's capable of doing so. Through good and bad memories, we walk the world based on our previous contexts and form our judgement.

Then what a life that is well lived than to spend it not vibing?

I spent a great time arguing with myself the question of 'What is a Life well lived?' Not fully knowing I circle back to the most famous answer that 'is to be Happy.' There is no certain equation, only a model, in which just like any model, a good model is the model that fits flexibily to different circumtances and inputs.


There is a funny phrase in the economic world, a famous term even, and most often joke about, and that is 'the market will regulate itself.'

It's funny because the analyst often claims that 'The Market is Irrational', while the market is just the collection of people and the market is just a flow of supply and demand. Yeah that extremely unhealthy and stroke inducing burger is what one could be wise to call 'irrational', but at most times, as long as there is demand, there is supply.

Implication of Demand-Driven World.

The market is undeniably, the important part of what makes up the economy, and thus an important part of what makes up the world that we live in.

'Business' is just a made up word to fill people's demand for things. Then we come up with a word like 'talent', 'employment', and 'labor force', 'revenues', 'gross margin' and anything surrounding the important factors that runs a business.

We have real estate business, food and beverage business, electronic business, travel business, ai business, as the human life becomes more fancy and fancy (relatively historicaly speaking), we contribute to this 'demand circle-jerk' (not bad).

As the trader that submits to the agnostic market (behaving like it knows no god/ruler, it just moves itself regardless of any market participant's opinion), the trader submits to the market or in another name of 'collection of human nature that makes up the market'.

Until all fold itself to the cradle of civilization that one (in some cases), falls into work-induced depression. There are already soo much cases, it doesn't need a citation.

The 'Human Nature' of the previous generations has molded the civilization that we live in today and whether to see it in a good way or bad way, through some examples that we are now able to travel between islands and continents out of plane flight that was unable to do before 1914, and there were sure heck of a lot people before 1914. Or clean drinking water, or even commercialized food and beverages enabled after the virtue of cold refrigerator that improve the shelter life of foods after 1854, we grow to like more accesible and various food and beverages.

'More sophisticated jobs' is just the name of the game, laced by just an improved meaning of 'more sophisticated demand', and thus the commercial airplane business thrives among adversities of even after the global pandemic.

The Demand to Vibe

On ____, I wrote Context Dependent, in which it explains how 'emotions and judgement is very context dependent' and thus 'there is nothing inherently good or bad as good, bad, or meaninglful as it is very context dependent'

We were born and have lived way faster than we the world around us as formed the way it is today. Just like an ant that is just born behind your walls, it didn't choose to be born, no one does, yet we are born and the ant is forced to understand context or it will simply dies, could be out of hunger, or out of negligence. This is just the way it is, through our most primal needs of food and shelter, it has become necesarry for us to do 'value' incentivized work for us to obtain food and shelter, alike the ant next wall.

While we have come to understand the world better comparatively that of the ant, the concept of our emotions and the ants emotion of distress and satisfaction is still very context dependent. We just have a higher gradient of those understanding.

An ant may die the time its colony is unable to find adequate resources for surviving, yet we can survive and stil suffer. An ant is a gross over simplification to us since it has very little nerves. But we do find out that penguins also commit suicide.

An ant may not asks why it was born and has existential dread, but it simply continues to live and carry food to its colony without hesitation, it does not need a reason why for its biological function and existence may be limited to its understanding about the world relatively to us, but it still does comprehend what does it mean to have an 'imbalanced homeostasis', as it will grow in stress and in pain when it is hungry.

A lot more sophisticated animal that grows

Unfinished, finish later