The Magicians

Magicians and Thunderbolts!

14 May 2022


Electric socket fascinates me. It brings electricity from one place to another, that it has become extremely convenient for many use cases. To some extent, I would imagine it as such an astounding leap for humanity to have the power of controlling electronic current, a step function in humanity evolution. Before electricity, there are no fridges, no fridges mean shit food preservation, it’s so shit you cannot even store a banana in a room temperature for more than 5 days, and that’s including transportation. So we first we have shit food, then we have shit media and entertainment as well. Think of it this way, one of my greatest pleasures of 21st century is the ability to send messages directly and fastly, like this substack that I’m using, I only need to write on a laptop and everything will be sent to the convenient of the readers in their own house. Before this, we use a fucking typewriter, based on ink! We even need actual physical paper for every copy, transportation time also, there’s also insane monopoly in the media businesses that a measly tiny writer like couldn’t probably have the luxurious to publish an article and have hundreds of readers that easily, heck I even need a whole ass logistics just to publish articles. It is not a creative time had I lived in that time. So we have shit food, shit media, we also have shit lightning. Before electricity, the night used to be so dark, we used candles and candles aren’t very bright, we loose productivity post sunset. Today, thanks to widespread electricity and lightbulb we can work even if its midnight, darkness is no longer much of an issue for productivity. So we have shit food, shit media, shit lightning, we also have shit telecomunication, or at least in the very least how information could be passed through communication is a significantly slower pace. Before telepehone and way before smartphone, the only method of communication is through person to person mouth and ink, there’s no recorded meeting of a zoom class, there’s no MIT opencourseware, there’s no some Indian guy teaching you on youtube in your home! If you don’t understand something you make sure you listen to the class or else you missed it.

Times have changed for a lot of us and we are living in a world where science fiction couldn’t even imagine, and that’s what I like to credit to the magicians of the world. More on that later, have you ever seen a magic trick? Like burning a paper and it turned into a doves, dematerialize doves and then rematerialized it behind your ear? All is it will seem like ‘magic’ except to the magician and to everyone once the trick is revealed. the magic trick seems no longer like ‘magic’ once everybody knows how it works. And at this day and age a lot of things seem like magic and we are the magicians.

When I think about it, some of the world greatest inovations really pushes humanity technological advancements like a step function. Especially the ones that is remembered for multiple decades, it is like a glimmer of people who tried giving their life away creating the one thing he really dream of making and alas his creation moves humanity ten steps apart thanks to his innovation, to some extent it’s even hard to think about the world without their innovation. There’s also this thing about innovation that we and even I used to have a tendency to think to throw that thing to another human, as if innovation is inevitable to happen. Yet, we have very little knowledge about how hard the innovators hardwork was and some even died miserably, with almost no one appreciating their work, only to be found years after they die that they are indeed working on truly something revolutionary for mankind, and some even died alone.

Refrigerators become refrigerators because there is a cooling fan inside of the box, it helps preserve the food by giving it a cool temperature, the fan of course is moved mechanically, the way to do it is by using alternating current. The interesting fact is almost every household in the world probably have a refrigerator inside their home, that’s how useful it is, for the reasons you already understand. Radio is the technology of signalling and communicating using radio waves, it is founded that you could transmit and recieve powerful radio signals if they were just to be tuned and resonate at the same frequency. To put it more simply, remember when you used to adjust radio frequency to listen the top one hundred monthly song in your car? Yeah you are adjusting the frequency of the radiowaves that your car recieves, the famous one is 98.7 FM. The same principles applies when you talk on a cell phone, your cell phone acts as a transmitter and your voice is carried on the radio waves to your e girl, in which the reciever convers the signal back as a human voice. Amazing isn’t it? We literally wield the capability to transform our voice to some weirdly electronic signal so that our friend miles away in real time! So much that we take magic for granted! This helps so much humans!