The Surge

The Surge of Creativity triggered by relatively unique states of the brain

19 December 2023

There are instances in my life where I could only best describe as “The Surge”. I would like to dedicate this article to better understand this phenomena. The feeling is that there are just beautiful string of words that keeps flowing inside your head. Sometimes you immediately jump into writing but there are circumstances where that is just not possible. “The Surge” come and goes pretty often now. It’s almost as if the brain is experiencing different states and one of it happens to be “The Surge”. Or maybe this is what artist would best describe as “The surge of creativity” where everything just feels like it flows ever so perfectly. On how word per word just flows ever so eloquently and when it is finished I can sit back and re-read and see how nicely written those string of words are.

“The Surge” is pretty a feeble, it needs to be replied to be further prolonged and make it surges even more. There are times when I feel like the string of words that appear in my head and chooses to delay it just for me to not remember those string of words are. It’s no longer there. It’s not just about the words but the sensations that came along with it. The sensation that gives birth to those string of words. The feelings can still remain while you’re writing while experiencing “The Surge” but “The Surge” sometimes just can’t be forced.

Maybe try to at least write on a note that briefly wrote snippets of the words out of “The Surge”.

Some words are better than nothing at all!

I remember when I look back at my 2022 substack drafts when there are neat titles such as “Between Finite and In-Finite” and “Money may have nothing to do with Happiness at All” just to find a blank page inside of it. It was just titles and yet words written in the form of the title already made me glad that I wrote something. I know now there may be more pressure to write even more and more beautiful thoughts but remember that don’t compare one article to another! Each article conveys a different message! There’s no distinctual objective measurement of meaning! If it’s meaningful to you, it’s meaningful to you and that’s the end of it!

If it makes you happy, it makes you happy! That’s the end of it!

Can “The Surge” be brought back by effort of memory?

If brain states are represented in instances in one life experiencing a moment in where “The Surge” surfaces. Can by an effort of memorization of the circumstances or experience “The Surge” comes back as the brain states are trying to achieve synchronisity? Maybe.

I began slowly but surely it felt like its coming back.

But one thing to note is that between the “Past Self” and “Current Self” the wider the gap, the more memory will become filmsy and there are just a point of impossible synchronizity. The brain sensation could only come near to synchronisity but never will feel the same exact way measured by how strong “The Surge” was to now.