The Measure

The Measure that Shouldn’t Exists

19 December 2023

Don't compare your arts for each one serves different meaning. Don't manipulate the value of your art by hindsight knowledge! The most important feeling coming out of your art is your feelings! Don't defeat your art by saying "I don't like that one", we all know that you once liked it and really praise it and that's what important! There can't be an all encompassing objective measure to everything! There are things that don't need measuring. You'll lose yourself in measuring things that are not supposed to be measured!

The same reason why you shouldn't measure anyone's subjective beauty to another. It doesn't make any sense! What's the point of measuring if one must be defeated for the other to shine! If each to its own art has it's own purpose than let the other yields different meaning than the other!

The Antidote should not be compared to The Gap, as much as it covers similiar topic of depression, self alienation, but there are things that The Antidote covers that The Gap didn't! Vice versa as well. Remember why you are doing this! You are not doing this to entertain other people, you are doing this to better understand yourself! Be proud of what you have created, these are your work of art! An ink dropped into the river of time! As without this ever so colorful link you will find it way harder to see the river of time.

As much as you have loved 2023, the first quarter that was spent having new friends and being ever so close with them and talking about how much they also like philosophy! You have forgotten much about it now because you didn't write it! Write for the sake of experessing your feelings! Write for the sake of looking back at things and say "Things were so beautiful! I'm so glad I took the time to write all of these!"

Beautiful line of words forever immortalized. Brain states that are forever immortalized, waiting to be revisited and to find meaning inside of it.

Living is a lifelong journey!

You will never stop experiencing, deducting, and remembering beautiful moments!

Note from 28 Dec:

I'm really thankful that I wrote this article, It has such an amazing and "true" statements.

I've just finished writing The Opinion and I liked it so much it's probably one of my personal favorite but I think to myself or rather subconsciously compare it to The Joy. Then I realized, the feelings that I get from finishing a writing, the feel good emotions. Really shouldn't be compared to one article to another for it serves different purpose and even message that its trying to convey.

The Opinion and The Joy is really different in its own way. And there's a funny feeling after finishing a "really good" article, judged by myself, a tiny sense of lingering fear of "Wow, this article is so good, I fear that I can't make something better than this. That should be irrelevant. As much as it has been stated on The Intent

I wrote The Paradox and The Communicator today and I feel that how those articles ended up is far from when I initially started writing it. It's the beauty of writing, I sometimes let my mind goes with the flow of my writing. The staple is only the title. I can't micro-manage to the point that the writing is exactly how I wanted it to be before I started writing it. Instead, the writing itself is a process of self-discovery, by meshing words, mind, and mechanical hand together, new beautiful line of thoughts emerged! On the flow!

It's almost as if, I never know for certain whether I'll like the writing only after I finished the writing. There are too many emergent properties that shows up only when you are writing. Even the on the flow line of thoughts that come to be apparently perfect to just directly type it in on the flow.

Yea I really shouldn't bother one article to another. Thanks my 2023-12-19 self.