The Rogue

The Rogue

9 March 2024


I am somewhat convinced that a being who commits or even ideate 'suicide' is best described as a 'rogue'. By standard, it defies its own nature to live, this is just a simple logical fact, if there's a species that its destined to commit suicide more often that it could reproduce, the species would simply die out. But suicide has become a fairly rising phenomenon, yet we don't want to call them as something less than of a human, then if we were try to carefully state what they are, I propose it's best described as a 'rogue'.

Living, is just a timespan to live and hopefully have fun more than you have stress in a period of 60-80 years, people can say oh it's for you to do good, but what good is good if you're not happy? Usually people mean it by while you're doing good, you are also happy. But this just amounts to being happy in live stands the outmost important, otherwise what really good is life? If you're not happy.

Then the quest for happiness, and I am not talking about the 'true happiness' or something complicated like that, i'm talking about day to day, week to week, month to month, year to year, just have a reason to be happy, at least for today and for tomorrow, that's bare minimum.