Subjective Reality

We Don't See Things As It Is. Rather, As We Are.

28 February 2024


The cost of not seeing things as it is. Instead, seeing things how I want to be.

This simple statement, goes beyond so many layers of metaphorical interpretation.

I truly believe its rarer that we see things as it is as we tend to beautify things for without the beautification of it all, we must be a pessimist. In order to live fruitfully, we must believe and to hope for the future will be a better place for us, to have joy and happiness, while life will always be the judge and vindicate us if our expectations far exceeds what reality could really give us. But, it's always free to become an optimist.

Objectivism, remains the beholder of the highest truth. As much as we would like to imagine, we live in an objective world, bounded by per se rules of physics, as much as we want to walk through walls we are unable to. So our capability to imagine, just because we are able to, is still grounded to the reality that we come to understand.

On November 11, 2023, I wrote The Art, in which it has spur a lot of meaning into my later writings. It talks about that there is nothing inherently meaningful in the world, as per the meaning of the word 'meaning' is to be held subjectively and comes only out of observation, judgement, and experience. It's a story where I naively fell in love with a girl unknowingly and unwillingly, not out of careful consideration out of my volition, but out of a sheer sense of belonging that I long have felt alien to the word 'care' and ever since it came to me, I felt alien to the sensation and just want to know her more. A sort of 'limerence' where I grow abstractly infatuated to the girl and do things I don't normally do.

The Art is a sober realisation that I must see things as it is, as much as it is easier said than done when we are falling in love, we want the partner to gravitate towards us as much as we gravitate towards them. We didn't end up being together and I complied to the whole thing knowing that I have confessed how she made me feel and she understoods and respected my efforts. As much as it sucks knowing that she in a lot of ways helped me a lot understanding myself but I couldn't say the same for her as I have done very little for her, in a sense that the transaction called love, helds an imbalance scale, because it was only subjectively experienced by me and beautificated by me.

I do not understand the feelings that arise within me and the hope that scatters out of a simple act of confession, the truth walks towards me after some time I have spent waiting for it to reveal itself. This is 'objective reality', to abolish the fabricated beauty of our relationship, to find out that I overextend the meaning of the word 'care', when she laid it out to me.

I see the world in a lense of hope, just because I have known what it mean and what it implies to see the world without it. Three years ago, in 2021, I was suicidal at best, and I couldn't figure out what makes people want to live another day, knowing life bears so much pain and suffering (what I was experiencing). Life feels like a suffocation as I feel like suffocating towards living, not only in yesterdays, but also today, and the fear of suffocation tomorrow. But I didn't get asphyxiated, just suffocated. The world has grow dark within me, or so I guess, this is what they mean of the word 'depression'. I don't have many fingers to point other than myself, and I grow hating myself and felt alien towards the sensation of living, to feel things that I never experience before and as stress hormones as a reaction towards perceived danger flooded my brain, I contemplated suicide for a couple of weeks and the following months.

The earth however will keeps spinning without my existence, just like many people who have comitted suicide and the earth keeps spinning the way it has spun for the longest time, this is objective reality, and a simple fact. Something that is not a fact is believing that I will become something of value in the future, as the future is carved depends on what I do today, that is probabilistic, not predestined. I could choose to loathe and suffer, or I could carve the future on how I want it to be, depending on the now. Doing the latter means having hope towards the future and the future becomes an artisan's playground of my own will and hands, for I am the sole painter of my destiny, to emphasize the mere fact that my future starts from my will and judgement towards the world.

Life then again, is not a pre-ordered clown. It is only as enjoyable as I make it to be. It throws out grim jokes by sending my loved ones to death, but such is the nature of life and people live and die, and one day I will die too, this is a simple fact. The things that happened between my life and death, is what I make it to be.

Life does not force me to do anything, I do things out of my own volition.

I used to be a muslim, where I used to believe that there are angles flying over me, precisely on the right and left of my shoulders. To see every thing that I've done and wrote my sins and good deeds accordingly, I didn't think about them a lot, as I grow a sense of conscience and act the things I do without accounting much of their judgement, I do things regardless of their existence. Though, I believe that believing they exist and I only do things out of the fear of hell and towards the pleasure of heavens, would make me half the man I am today. For my own personal philosophy, I have never heard something called 'life' is to be sensitized and directed ever so selfishly. I do good because I am capable of doing good and it is out of my own best interest to do good, because I trust my judgement regardless of the existence of heaven and hell, for it is not my sole moral compass.

I heard a lot of comments in my life, saying that I am good person and have helped some people out of my writings and the things that I've made. For I truly feel that the purpose of my existence is to become something of value not only for me, but also for other people. I found great joy and pleasure in doing so and out of my experience and volition, I simply couldn't imagine something greater than to simply become something of value.

Value however, does not live in an objective reality as it is subjectively perceived. But, there is nothing wrong with that.

I live, love, and smile knowing the virtue of life does not need to live in the realm of objective reality. Things in life became good or bad, only out of our judgement and the capability to judge.

Objective Reality in Finance

Ok folks, for the philosophy enjoyoor, can pack up, this segment is going to be financially extensive.

In finance, especially people who observe price action movements, I would argue that most people hardly seeing things as it is, that's why most people loses.

The market is however, is the result of the net value of agreed upon market participants, weighted by