The Visit

The Visit to Memory Lane

27 December 2023

This is a huge purpose of writing. As a mean to visit the memory lane. To read back and remember what are the things you strived or fight for. What you think is true and what you think is in your best interest to do things. To remember all the beautiful things that has happened to you. Even to remember the bad things that happened to you and to take lessons out of it. Philosophical thoughts, fun thoughts, reasons to love living.

You said it best on The Blip:

I sometimes feel its sad to know that there’s a lot of things that happened and a lot of meaningful memories that happened in quarter 1, 2, 3 of 2023 yet now I feel very little memory of it. I do have pictures of it yet it still feels not as significant to how I remember November through writing. I have very little images of me and her yet somehow the memories formed so meaningful especially if I re-read the articles that I wrote in November.

It's a mean of confession that you are bad with a lot of memory or at least if measured with comparison, those beautiful things that have shaped your character and give reasons to love your friends can be immortalized in a much better way and that is through writing.

I think being 22 years old will have a lot of burden when 30 years old would look back. I genuinely believe that self-acceptance couldn't be "just" the answer. The Gap mentions your best reason to how regret come to materialize as:

In this conversation I tried to bring it in a way “Yeah but when we see these works of people in the past, it’s almost as if the regret only becomes significant out of the epiphany that depends on how much that person really believes that he could’ve done things differently. The pain from the regret out of the realisation that they could’ve done things differently or they did not do the things they wished to do really has a strong correlation with their own conviction that they know for sure and only they know how much they could’ve done things differently. The relatableness of the regret that is shown from a mismatch from their own desired outcome could only stings correlating to their own conviction.

Writing could also be done as a mean of confession of one's conviction. We are constantly walking on a path that shaped our future. As scary as it sounds and it's most often feels easier to just walk wherever the wind takes you but isn't that just too futile for regret to materialize?

If life is just a sum of experiences and you is just the sum of your self awareness, why do you want to discount your self awareness? Nurturing a sense of self awareness can be a way to minimize regret for ever becoming in the future.

I confess that there are times when I feel like I'm just walking to whichever the wind takes me and it leads me to unbearing sense of regret out of the epiphany that I really could've done things differently had I was brave enough to take the risk. But risks and uncertainty breeds fear. But that is the cost to minimize regret. At least my self awareness is aware enough that there are hard steps that are necesarry to take.

Writing could a mean to visit the memory lane.

I have also debated on The Intent, the differences between a medium of picture and writing as a mean to trip the memory lane:

I really love writing. I love reading back to my previous articles and remember how things were. I kept saying this but it's actually not "A picture is worth a thousand words." But a picture is merely a picture, words reperesents a whole different thing. A description of how much you appreciate life at that very moment in which you can look back is much more than just a picture. Those two are totally different things.

I tend to held that statement true.

As much as The Art will now serve as an insanely strong staple on the situations that unraveled from September to November 2023. And how The Solitude will serve as an insanely strong staple on how you come to really like being alone at times, the important series of events that have happened in the past that shapes your personality and intensity of emotions as a person.

The Heights of the Human Experience website will serve as a trip down the memory lane. As a human experiencing experiences. The heights of it, the heights of despair, the heights of happiness, and everything in between.