On Writing

Thoughts about Writing.

14 March 2024


Do I care and should I care?

I have grown to be somehow very different version of me back in Q4 2023.

I don't care about writing as much as I used to, and this is somehow the thing I kind of feared back in 2023. While I also remember saying to myself 'it might not matter at all.'

I couldn't really needle it why.

But the more I write, the more the 'question of life' seems obvious to me and there are less reasons to write.

I do wish I finish 'Dehumanization article' as it could've serve as a really good argument of a 'model' into 'what does it mean to be a human?' while seeing it from an angle, what does it take to be 'less of a human' and thus dehumanization.

The need to 'sceintification' of my writings have may taken a toll on me and I quit writing the article mid way. Citing scientific supports really helps establish my theory, but sometimes it just takes the motivation away to just write what my initial theory is.


So the term 'a human', is just like any living being, a living being that is extremely moldable through its surrounding/environment.

Rather, the extrapolation of A human, is a result of its experience, the type of information it receive and how it acts regarding to it. It grows from the environment. That's all there is to it.

A simple fact, but somehow I think, a lot of people may have a hard time agreeing to it... Because of the implications.

The implications being,

First, all monotheistic religion are wrong, since if the characteristic of a human is a result is a by product to its environment, then judging the quality of men, with different environment and challenges, to a very simple bottleneck test of a binary result (to believe and not to believe a certain God), is strictly wrong and unfair.

I am an atheist because I once felt a subjective pain that my past self prior to the incident cannot fathom, then I began to question the famous phrase of my God's saying 'God never test humans more than he is able to comprehend.' The statement looks cool by first read but then we proceed to think about the children of gaza, the holocaust victim, the 9/11 victim, the people who got raped in India, Japan, Suicide, things like that, absurd levels of pain beyond comprehension to the ones that never came close to experience it. They will 'alienate' such suffering because a human is a result ot its experience, and its empathy and mirror neurons could only stretch so far but not far enough.

What is the point of life?

Is to have fun and do good while you're at it, leave a legacy while you're at it. The elixir of life in the other hand, is a totally different thing.

If we are talking life in a literal sense, then we are equally alive with those of an ant.

If we are talking life in a metaphorical sense, 'i feel so alive' and thus the 'elixir' of life, it resides in the need of 'drive', a 'purpose' to it all. That's it what I argue to be the elixir of life. In simple words 'I must have something that I want to do'.

The chasm from the literal sense of 'life' to a metaphorical sense, it's something that is only 'subjectively' felt.

The best things in life are not the things you can see or touch, but something that you can feel.


We are animals, we are in so many ways, at least some of us, since a 'human' (in a metaphorical sense) is a product to its experience and everyone's experience is unique and different. We resemblances all living beings in existence.

The mental model is still the same.

We live by consume energy and EXPAND energy, for without it--we die.

The most basic and organic literal sense of life, we eat to recycle forms of energy from what we eat to energy, to sustain our biological needs.

The metaphorical sense of life is 'accomplishment', to feel that 'we have lived life' or to be able to say 'i did not waste those years behind.' Just want to do something.

About the Ageing of the Brain and Thus Enhancement/Sensitivization of Life's Experience

I have this very interesting observation, that a lot of people