Religion and Morality

Short Vent about Distinction of One's Self Interest to Morality

1 February 2024


For me, philosophy and religion is almost of the same thing. Well there are bad philosophies but obviously I cant say that there are bad religions.

Ultimately between good and bad, I still remain true to the statement ‘noone picks evil/bad with the intention that it is evil, it mistakes it for good, the happiness it seeks.’

On how we are raised, the dissection of ‘moral compass’ and between good and evil is shaped by what we perceive and we inevitably add some of our own ‘self interest’ into it, for example, A muslim can say that eating pork is ‘bad’ but when it is on their self interest to drink, with the context that is the happiness it seeks, it can tolerate it, even when they are fully aware that its against their philosophical/religion’s rule. This is also the fact with female muslim who doesn’t wear hijab, then cognitive dissonance comes into play, which is the condition that when someone has two conflicting idea that causes mental disturbances, it tends to shift the other conflicting idea until it has been fully revolved, i.e a person who is smoking a cigarette knows its bad for their health, but they most likely say “it’s not that bad” while straying further from the scientific facts that may disturb their mental peace of mind the fact that they are smoke cigarettes. This is of the same with rules or ‘sins’ in religion, i.e a female islam who refuses to wear hijab knowing that she is sinning like a lot [1], a muslim man who talks to a female eyes when he is talking [2], a christian man who refused to go to sunday church [3].

So apparently there’s a need for alignment for its own self interest to practice ‘religion’s philosophy’, yes while it can be true that some practice in religion can bend the self’s behavior, i.e a converted christian to islam now prays for 5 times a day, and vice versa for a converted islam from christian attends Sundays church, but these all still again falls down to the basic premise of that motivation of doing the deed, understanding the purpose of doing the need comes at a shift/belief of their own personal philosophy. No one prays if their religion say that they got nothing after they pray, it’s because they get something after they pray, they do prayers, whether is for forgiveness of their sins, a hope for heaven, or even a hope to escape the hellfire, which again those premises and future conditions that they wish are the roots of motivation that justifies praying, but then again, those are just basic philosophies, trying to answer ‘what does it mean to be a human being and what happened after I die?’

Thats why I believe philosophy and religion is basically two of the same thing.

While I think, ‘good morality’ does not necessarily need to come out of religion, somehow this idea is what a lot of people have trouble justifying, well I think, it just speaks how much of a person they are.

If a person is subconsciously regulating the synchronicity or its own self interest to religion’s practice, then the desire to do ‘good’ is coming out of ‘what they think is good’ while religion’s teaching also aligns with it. When the religion’s teaching misaligned to what they think is good, they will simply rub it off lightly or downplay it and do the thing their own self interest justifies it more.

Then it must be wrong when someone say a world without religion, human will just go off raping and murdering. No, YOU will go raping and murdering, if what constrains you to conscience and the desire to do good because its not out of your own self interest to do but you do it only for the sake of religion and when that rule is alleviated, now you can’t tell what’s good or bad and suddenly you think that there’s no clear distinction of saying ‘hi’ to a stranger than to murder and rape them, that’s on you! Shame on you!