
Never knows best

11 February 2024


Yesterday I had a losing trade of unrealized losses worth 900 USD, I wasn't quite happy about it. The initial plan was to only lose 100 USD per trade but I naively open 5 trades on the same direction in which at that time I felt good after earning ~$300. The initial intended max pain was $500, but somehow I felt like raising the stop loss from max pain of 500 and in just a few hours it reaches 900, I now I'm really pissed because I felt like I could've just hedge the trade and make my unrealized losses to be statically $500.

What happened there? Now I have a hindsight bias based on result, had I was just proven as right or profit, says $900 up in profit, my 'naiveness', wouldn't seem so 'naive', cause I was right all along.

Losing $900 has become framed as an 'irrational decision', while if it's proven true it has become a 'rational decision'.

The funny thing about trading charts is that the reason why there are winners and losers while the chart is always AS IT IS, it's a testimony that no one sees thing as it is, there's no such thing as 'as it is', when there's emotion entangled within the 'thing', pleasure of expectations and withdrawal from pain.

This has become ironically funny to me as I realized, a metaphor can be brought to this condition. Say there is a snake, a snake as it is while the interpretation of different observer can varies, one can say it makes it feel uneasy while others can say 'its a friend'. No one sees thing as it is when that 'thing' can carry/influence the observer emotions.

Then another funny thought came up, if nothing is at it is as most things carry emotional influence on us, but isn't that's just the purpose of living? To feel good? What is the good in life if it's just going to be experienced with pain and suffering? Might as well just kill yourself. At this point, I'm even convinced that the whole ordeal of 'keep living' can be distilled that people live because there's a reason to smile in living, when there's no reason at all to smile and be happy about in life, then that person comes to justify suicide.

'Strawberry Milkshake' was a great article, probably the first 2024 article that I wrote with a style of 2023 article. The style of writing while figuring out instead of 'already got it figured out' then I write like most of my 2024 articles feel very scientific as I feel I have lived for 22 years and I have learned a lot yet I materialized very little and I will definitely forgot later.

Writing is very challenging because it's hard to distill very complex thoughts into coherent and structured sentences, but I'm going to try to make sense my relatively new idea that proves that there is always irrationality when it comes to being human.

First, try to answer this question, 'what defines a person?'

If your answer is either 'based on what that person has done', then try to answer this question, what defines you?

Is it truly fair to define a person only out of what they have done? What about the person future prospect and what the person believes in?

Ok now the answer resonates between what that person has done and projected future of the person. But, how much can you rely on that person's future? By navigating that person past and throw a ballpark estimation? Is it fair? Do you think Hitler can change? Maybe, I don't know, but do you think a heroin addict can change? Probably, I mean there are cases...

Ok, then if you're trying to define who you are, how do you know that you are walking towards the path you want? You throw a ballpark estimation with high conviction of your beliefs, then when the time has come, if it becomes true, you have made a 'rational' decision, but if you ended up in a place you don't want, you may look back to your past and maybe say 'oh gosh, what a series of irrational decisions that I have made.' The bad news is that you ended up at a place that you don't want to be and the good news is that everyone may be feeling like you. Afterall, it's harder to be right than to be wrong.

But what happened there? How come we ended up in a place we don't want? How did we navigate our decisions?
We ballpark.
Using what?
Using our feelings and cognition.
Say that again, using what?
Uhhh, cognition and emotions?
Exactly, that's all we can do, why dump ourselves when afterall the shit beating, that's always what we are able to navigate with?
Because, we wish that we end up in a place we would rather be. And I'm not seeing that shit.
So where did this fuck-all expectations came from?
Because we know or at least we think we could've done something else, there must be a flaw within our congition or emotions.
Maybe, but maybe just maybe, the only way up was to realize to be wrong less, but you can always be wrong. And all these words like 'Naive' and 'Rationality', when it comes to personal life decisions especially the metric that you set yourself for you, is somewhat useless then? How can you even be more rational in the future and make more right decisions?
Can we?
If I'm speaking for the 'Human Condition', I don't think you realistically can, people do crazy things, but no crazy-doer thinks that they are crazy. Only if they have lost, they may think that they are/were crazy. Some even plead for mental illness at court... Unless you believe all murderers, rapists, and thieves are born to become one, a sort of destiny that they are bound to kill even from pre-natal.
That's crazy, I don't believe that.
Then, when it comes to human condition, 'naiveness' and 'irrationality' of the people who made bad decisions, must be 'naive' and 'irrational' of of their inability to comprehend what the majority think is 'rational' or 'right'.
I guess...
Unless you believe in destiny that they are bound to kill even from pre-natal.
Ok ok JFC, can you stop with the whole morally absurd metaphor, I get it.

More interesting part, let's talk about jobs! Yeay hooray! Money! It's undeniable that a lot of our streams of likes and dislikes comes from having money and the lack of money, streams of stress and pleasures enabled through ownership of money.

When one chooses to be specialized in a career, it's just amount of 'taking one bet that he would not be able to take possible other bets, in hope of the one bet that he took and the skills he carve is to be more profitable OR satisfactory than the other options.' What happens if he is proven to be wrong? Jobless and couldn't make as much money relatively to the other options? Then his parents can deem him as 'irrational' and 'naive'. Isn't it just so fucking funny? But it's just how things is. Ok now let's broaden our scope a little bit, who determines his wealth or money stream? Jobs.
And what is jobs exactly?
Yeah what are those?
People, or uh sometimes are called 'Industry that hires specific skills?'
Correct, but I want a more specific answer.
Uhh Fine, the majority with an aligned consensus.

Now we can come to the point that career prospects are just ballparking estimation what mainly what 'people previous to us, that has more wealth, or rather our future employers have seats for us so we can provide value or work for them in exchange of money.' But that's just mainly what MOST thing in life. As much as we don't grow to know our employeers pre-natal, we don't also get to choose the order of the mainly capitalistic society that we live in pre-natal, one thing for sure is that humans adapt to its environment and the best one to adapt, wins.

Hmm this sounds familiar.

Once again, life in all aspects, regardless micro and micro, has once again, fold in itself, even showing to 'thrive in adversity as means to adapt and win', even shows in the gnarly human condition where wealth distribution imbalances exist, and to suffer in bad climate means to thrive in adversity in order to win the game of life.

The cactuses simply reads the environment of their condition and shrinked its leaves to become spines to minimize water evaporation as water is scarce as fuck in the desert. The symbolism inside and out, can be phrase that the newly pre-natal/pre-seed cacti does not chooses to be born, yet it exists and it does not chooses the desert, it simply moves its branch to move towards the sunlight, if the cacti disobey its nature somehow, it will simply be in pain and dies.

Oh an article that shows that apparently plant suffers when it's dehydrated but it's beknownst to us:

Sounds emitted by plants under stress are airborne and informative:

Many animals, including herbivores and their predators, respond to sound. Recently, plants were also demonstrated to respond to sounds, e.g., by changing the expression of specific genes, or by increasing sugar concentration in their nectar. Thus, if plants emit airborne sounds, these sounds can potentially trigger a rapid response in nearby organisms, including both animals and plants. Even if the emission of the sounds is merely a result of the plant’s physiological condition, nearby organisms that are capable of hearing these sounds could use them for their own benefit. We therefore set to examine whether plants emit informative airborne sounds, which may serve as potential signals or cues to their environment. Here we show that plants indeed emit airborne sounds, which can be detected from several meters away, both in acoustic chambers and in greenhouses. Moreover, we show that the emitted sounds carry information about the physiological state of the plant.

If 'crying' is defined as an expressive and physiological condition, then plants do indeed cry.

I guess the point that I'm trying to say is that, it's funny that 'life' hasn't been changing a lot, the model of it. To survive, we simply sense our surroundings and make decisions by simultenously leaving other decisions that we otherwise could've made, and chances are you can be wrong more often than you are right, but don't let words like 'irrationlity' and 'oh you're being sooo naive' clouded or even discount you for even trying. Such is life, we learn either from being told what the people before us what is 'right' or we figure out on our own. There are also genes embedded within us that we should be grateful about that we can navigate circumstances and decision making based on what makes us happy, for without it, and we can definitely lose it, maybe through some absurd disease that flooded our stress hormones as a response, we can be stressed all the time with very little to no control over what brings us pain as it is a physiological reaction not action, we bear very little control towards our immune system and it's inflammatory reaction, as much as we don't choose to love or to cry, we never choose to cry, we let our tears drip from our face simply when our body feels it's the 'right' thing to do. And even through our sense of pleasure of happiness, we don't even choose to love, the phenomena appears to us and we don't scale our partners from a 1-10 scale, only psychopaths do that, we throw off cognition necesarily sometimes when we realize we just want to make ourselves happy and avoid being sad. That's the human condition, that's at least the model of it, it's both what makes the peak of our happiness and also the depth of our despair, only because we understand what those words mean and how we reflect on our previous experience and ballpark what it means through empathy and forecasting.

I hope you are well.