The Flow

We're Going to get the Flow and maybe Ice Creams

12 February 2024


Not going to explain what 'The Flow' is since it's a phenomology. Want to explain how 'The Flow' happens.

I think 'The Flow' is a state of an immersion to one's work, just like any immersion, it tends to lose a sense of time. Quite easy when you're having fun, but quite hard to obtain since 'work' carry such a bad name. This is where I propose, mindfullness of how 'The Flow' became, came out of purpose and strong desire.

I've explained in my prior articles that living should be spent 'having fun', and 'Flowing' is actually having fun.

The dire need of the age old existential question, that 'how life should be pursued?' Is to be pursued by simply 'having fun'. The only answer to the meaning of life that everyone can come about since everyone knows that 'fun' carries such a positive connotation to it, unlike the word 'work'.

I love writing, but writing doesn't get me as much money as working, while it carries such a high purpose for myself, it simply ain't just gonna cut it. Meaning however is inflationary, it's what you make out of it, you could inflate it as hell as much as you want, no one is able to pop it with needles as sharp as they can possibly imagine it, through hurtful words, your world is as big and as beautiful as you believe it to be.

I was blind I admit it. For all this time It felt like I was always searching for something yet I just find at the edge of the road, myself and I sure as hell can create meaning out of nothing. Through the arrangment of thoughts and ideas as it can birth meaning through very mundane activities like writing of even add another line of code to this website, it makes me happy. I list out the things I do over the day even if it's mundane as shit like watering the plants but it sure as hell makes me happy and life should be spent that way, simply doing the things that makes one happy, we lose track of time and we always do, new years eve will soon feel like it's just around the corner. Everyone is infatuated with something that makes oneself loses track of time and we will soon forget about all this once we were old and could probably only remember roughly 1% of what 60 years have become.

I was blind that I couldn't see the metaphorical sense of meaning is just something that I could make like a sandcastle on the beach, yes short tidal waves will came crashing and all I've left will only be muddy sand, but it doesn't mean I should not rebuild it if it's what makes me happy. Struggles and unhappiness will keep crashing through the happiness we built, like an unforseen plague that killed our loved ones, and much of the tidal waves, it's just a part of nature for we understand what it means for the resonating tidal wave to keep becoming, we understand there's a hedonic treadmill for our own happiness and the inevitable sense of sadness from time to time, but it never mean we should stop building the sandcastle even if it can be torn down at any time.

What matters is that we are happy building the sand castle and 4 hours can feel like 15 minutes, but regardless of what you do, the brain tends to forget, unless it has deep emotional affection towards that activity. It's just part of nature to be like such.

I missed my sense of self when I was building my startup, the sense of love and deep affection towards building the thing I truly believe in. Call me a people person or something like that but deep down I just believe that humans have an inherent ability to do good, not just out of the sense of conscience, but also because without the ability to be happy and coming to see that we are happy when we are being surrounded with humans alike, it moves past just psychological reasoning but also physiological reasoning. Just like when an oxytocin is released when we are socializing, then it must be true happiness within the sense of good vibe surrounding with our friends, must be a part of our nature that we want the best for our friends and we are not some polluted sense of corruption the moment that we are born that we only want what's best and besmirch other people by default, inherently selflish flogs.

I have heard comments from other people saying that I'm the kindest person that they've ever met, while what I've been always trying to do was to search and find out what does it mean to be a human, well perhaps driven because sometimes it was a matter of life and death to find out the true answer. I tend to take social affairs very seriously and I came to hate people who besmirch me or make fun of me, I don't understand if it's a part of their nature be like such unless I discover 'epigenetics' and the sense of 'self reinforcing' traits that came out of context-dependent cases that an asshole can keep becoming an asshole if the environment granted one to be an asshole, it's just a part of nature to take in the information from our environment and place ourself adequate towards the environment. It's just adaptation and the fitness on the environment all over again. We are never really so far apart from the mental model of how any living being came into being. Maybe I've always just been fortunate that I was raised on an environment that rewards me to do good or what I think is 'good'.

Living is easy if you're having fun, and living is hard when you're suffering, is all a testimony of emotions perceive context-dependent cases, nothing is inherently fun and nothing is inherently meaningful, but one thing for sure is that I would rather kill myself than not to enjoy living. So I force myself to see the beauty in life, the beauty of my cactus plants for it has grown its torns to prevent too much water evaporated from it's bodily function it came to adapt the dire circumstances that it once being put on, I look at my cactus and see myself in it that it has become just like me for if it's unable to thrive in adversity, it will simply die.