Human Nature

Find Out and Understand Our Human Nature

5 February 2024


Eye Shattering Reality has provided a great deal of insight into the human condition through its exploration of various aspects of our nature.

Much of all the articles that have been written before this, it has been my toughest effort understanding my personal condition and how I can understand how my feelings come to being through physiological, pscychological, and ultimately through biological reasonings.

'What does it mean to be a human' is undoubtedly one of the toughest question to answer as its nature its flexible to its environment, but that just speaks how 'epigenetic' is.

In a condition where even all animal can't define itself independent to its surroundings, human too can't 'ultimately' define itself without its surroundings affect its being, and even more metal when it appears itself in its biological manifestation. (A rat raised devoid of love will have a bigger amygdala and responds to fear much stronger than the rat that is raised with love and care as oxytocin acts as a stress hormone repellant.)

Through the irony of the age-old quote saying 'be careful with who you surround yourself with, is proven to not a mere psychological influence but its becoming manifest itself physiologically.

Life is fucking trippy.

But I began to realize that the core truth lies on understanding the feedback/regulation of our neurobiological signals that serve as a core function of what we call behavior.

Through positive feedback and negative feedback to filmsy words such as 'pleasure principle' and 'displeasure principle', it brought me back to my conversation with my friend when she asked me 'why do I write all the time?' Now I want to reply with 'Why do we do anything at all? We do things what we believe makes us happy and we do things what we believe avoid us of unhappiness.' Yet we have reached a 'rational' and through language, a 'self-defining' attributes to ourself to which things make us happy and which things make us unhappy.

Through low birth-rate and high birth-rate trends, we have come to rationalize our existence not just for a mere cog of the grand self reproduction machines. We truly never was, as much as widow stray cats on the street may choose not to reproduce when its psychological state is diturbed as it grows weary and angry when she is approached by an unknowing male cat.

The journey to escape the label 'biological machinery' will just make ourselves find within ourselves, back to our root of motivation and behavior. Through 'hope' and 'delayed dopamine secretion', we all come back to our neurobiological sustenance as once that very own system is broken we will have alzheimers.

Truly the word 'spiritual' is just a label that mark Homo Sapiens to be well above other animals, yet case by case we see certain animals to have posess 'soul-worthy' characters as much as we cherry pick that a dog possess more soul than of a spider. What we have been just labelling is the ones that have better central nervous system than the other, the posession of better understanding of its environment and how it appears emotionally.

Life exist as a system that expands energy to maintain itself and it is selected to get better at doing that exact thing. It causes itself to exist and in doing so becomes more involved in causing itself to exist.

Life posess a great irony that it was never through our consent but rather, it was handed to us. Yet through it all, the meaning of it, was never handed to us. As much as we create the word 'meaning' through language, the essence of it is what we make ourselves as well.

Through 'self-reinforcing' beliefs, like a hamster running on its wheel, it gets better at running on a wheel, so does our beliefs about life.

Life does not punish us, life is always as it is.

As the penguin who chooses to commit suicide, life does not punish the penguin as it moves away from its colony towards the lone mountains to be in solitude forever. Instead, the lone penguin punishes its colony. Life and the trouble it brings, will always only be subjectively and personally perceived to the ones that have awareness. Only until the penguin realizes that the beauty of life underweights the suffering it experiences, the lone penguin began to justify his act of departure out of life.

The death of a killer whale's calf does not mean its punished to have feelings, yet the mother can choose to carry her child dead body through across 1,000 miles. News, CNN

Life is always as it is, yet we and some animals understand what it means to 'suffer'.

We understand what it means to be 'happy' so we understand what it means to be 'sad'.

We understand 'pleasure' so we understand 'displeasure'.

We understand 'euphoria' so we understand 'agony'.

We will not find anything trying to avoid our feelings as it is neurobiologically embedded within us. Only when the neurobiological function has been detached to us, we can't escape from it.

Semantics and the meaning of life, is somewhat an irony as life tampers with our soul through moments of pain and agony for us to define ourselves in a sandbox daydream called life, we are both the marble and the sculptor.

The people before us invented language so we can understand what the other people is talking about, and through exploring with it and playing around with it, we have music, foreign-trade, businesses, and conquer the globe. Yet through it all, we struggle to define ourselves as it is not served on a fool-proof mathematical equation, instead we create our own equation to what we think makes sense to us.

And most importantly, which equation makes us most happy.