The Self Awareness

The Gift of Self Awareness

1 January 2024


There are so many definitions of "Self Awareness" but I'd like just to describe it based on how the words are formed in a very simple way, the ability to be aware of being the self. I think many people overcomplicate the concept of self awareness almost as if they are never aware. It's just the mundane thought that "Oh, I'm alive." that we have from time to time. Or "Oh I want to do this because it makes me happy." You are aware of the things that make you happy that make you walk towards it. It's as simple as the word "Self Awareness" can get.

There's a beauty in acknowledging self awareness, as I would like to call it "The Greatest Gift of Life", you can be conscious but have very little to no self awareness, but you need to be conscious to have self awareness. The people who I deem to have low to no self awareness are the people who said: (Quoting from Happy New Year 2024)

Some people actually go as far and say as far "Man, humanity is so fucking bleak, the world is fucking dark, life is going nowhere and it's probably going to be the same way for many years to come." I must say, I dislike being around this kind of people, I think they just lack self awareness that no one is actually putting them on a cage to live the way that they are living. If they dislike things, no one is putting them in a horse's eyesight to always see the bad things in life, they choose what they want to see and what they see is what they get.

As I told my friend who are struggling with his life path on a smoking zone on a central business district: "The world is not going to collapse just because you don't get the job you want, those tall buildings will still be here tomorrow, it's not going to collapse just because now you think the world has become shit. The only thing that is going to collapse is your own expectations."

Expectations rise and fall, but the answer is not to numb your expectations rather to acknowledge the fact that expectations and the emotions that go with it do rise and fall but that's what it means to be human. You can't be happy if you're never sad as much as you can't be sad if you're never happy.

Self awareness is as beautiful as life can get. As I would like to Quote The Blip: Why life seems to go so fast, years feel like a blip

Self Awareness is a staple of where every beauty comes from. The ability of being grateful is self awareness. Self awareness is admitting the cards that we are dealt with since our birth. The event when we are brought into existence and have these "feelings" and "emotions" and the consequences that came along with it. Through the pits of regret and the mountains of happiness, it's all part of the play with strings of emotions and human desires.

Self Awareness will always be there regardless of your belief and opinion about life, you can't kill self awareness as it materialises itself in the form of regrets and unfulfillment. It's the strongest and the most critical agent in our life, ourselves. We are our own very own strongest critics.

You can hate life as much as my friend has said: "Man, humanity is so fucking bleak, the world is fucking dark, life is going nowhere and it's probably going to be the same way for many years to come." But isn't saying something is dark or light or optimism and pessimism just stems from practically desired conditions and undesired conditions? Acceptance that the world is as bleak as one believed it to be? Accepting that there's nothing you can do can change the outcome of your life and the odds are always stacked against you? What the fuck do you actually want? You want the world to be handed to you on a silver platter? You want a guidebook filled with foolproof steps to enjoy and have a life fulfilled? News flash asshole, you are the only torch carrier to the dark forest of a world. In which the monsters inside the forest are the fact that the people you love are going to die without needing a good reason to be always by your side, you have to work to get money, your parents are poor and they don't need to have a satisfying reason for you to be brought up to existence, we all damn know that no one asked to be brought up to existence, but hating on existing is truly not the answer.

Self awareness lives only in the now, it can look back on the past and spit on you, it can look in the future and move your veins to do the things you find happiness within. Self Awareness is the flame inside your eye that brightens up the world, the one that sees the meaning in existing. Self Awareness is YOU!

The monsters inside the dark forest of live is unequivocally in some way universal, while some are maybe fortunate enough to have the forest be lighten up by the help of their parents that the monsters of "financial insecurity" has been torched down, or the monster of "Family's Belonging" has been solved. You are also always playing with the cards that you are playing with, but you always have the choice to be grateful for the cards that you're dealt with or you can spit on them and only see the bleak part of the forest.

One thing for sure is that you always have the card of the ability to feel. In which these emotions are the primary motivation that gives the torch of opinion about life or the one that burns you halfway.

Self Awareness is the beginning to be truly conscious. The zero. The one that we can say that definitely exists with certainty. If you don't believe me you can put a shotgun in your mouth to see I'm wrong. Everything will cease to be meaningful. You will be as bleak as one can get. Everything is worth nothing without consciousness and self awareness.

Thus, shouldn't we navigate life based on our self awareness?

Self Awareness is being aware that life is finite as well.

Self Awareness is admitting that you live for only a limited amount of time.

Self Awareness is the very act of gratitude itself.

Don't overcomplicate that self awareness means knowing the meaning of life, I think it should be way simpler than that. Self Awareness is the ability to enjoy life as it is presented to you with your cards. Self Awareness is control. Self Awareness should be as easy as moving your hand and saying "Oh I'm the one who's moving this hand." or "I am as happy as I allow myself to be."

Self Awareness is the strongest staple of all.

Why bother brother? Enjoy the fucking fireworks! Enjoy the fucking mangoes! Enjoy the fucking presence of your friends among you! Enjoy whatever the fuck life can offer you! Death is what makes everything in this world special! The finiteness of living, the finiteness of chances! Appreciate life! Appreciate Self Awareness!